You may be familiar with Greentech Media’s public podcast, the Energy Gang. Now you can dive even deeper with The Interchange. Previously only available through a GTM Squared paid membership, The Interchange is a weekly podcast on global energy transformation, hosted by Stephen Lacey and Shayle Kann. The pair covers everything on “technology, markets, projects, company financials, mergers and acquisitions, policy changes, and market data.” The podcast was recently relaunched and is now available to everyone for free! While the archives are still only available to members, the latest five episodes (and all episodes moving forward) are open to all listeners.



This relaunch was sponsored by the AES Energy Storage team! In the latest episodes, you’ll be able to hear a bit about our approach to energy storage and our Advancion energy storage platform, as well as a few interviews with President of AES Energy Storage, John Zahurancik.

Since their relaunch, Lacey and Kann have dug into the complexity of a zero-carbon grid with MIT energy expert Jesse Jenkins, New York’s ambitious reforms for the electricity grid, and Mary Powell, the CEO of Green Mountain Power who is strategically extending the traditional utility model. We’re very excited about all of these topics and how they relate to our belief that to reach its full potential, the electric power system must transform into a new energy network— a transformation fueled by energy storage.

We’re proud to sponsor the relaunch of The Interchange. Check out the available episodes here, and don’t miss new episodes every Thursday!

Explore the capabilities of energy storage with our free white paper: 

storage empowers networks and IHS paper


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